#2 ~ Four Fs for Fruitful Management

The four Fs of fruitful management
As the “closed” season is upon us and we all reflect on the playing year just passed teams will begin the hunt for a new managers and coaches.
Here are 4 Fs that should be the basis of any managers tenure whether you are U8s or Over 40s:

You are only as good as your word. So is the team going to be selected based on talent or training? Be fair and consistent. Players trust is a massively important component of their commitment. Genuine trust in the “set-up” leads to genuine commitment. So stay fair. Lay out your terms of team selection and follow your own rules.

Everyone needs feedback in all walks of life. As a manager make it real and tangible. In this day and age stats can be easily taken with handy apps thats are GAA specific (see list at bottom). Stats are black and white for players to read and use. Just be sure they are qualitive statistics eg. Paul in corner forward got 15 balls into his corner during the game. He won 3. Quantitive stats suggest Paul wasn’t very productive. Qualitive stats rule out high ballooned balls/ hit and hopes. Suddenly Paul has had 7 winnable possessions and won 3. Very different reading- which may lead to a different conversation about distribution!

Perhaps the most important role is facilitation. How many times has your training been changed to suit a coach/manager? Player centred facilitation is key to good management. Train at a time that suits the mass. Facilitate feedback from players re content of training and games (Don’t take it personally) and facilitate an open, welcoming atmosphere that is something players want to be part of.

Often people think this is age-specific. Senior training shouldn’t be fun leave that to the juveniles. Sport is escapism for us all. We all want fun. Bring an element of fun into every session. Targets, shooting challenges, penalty shootouts, a game of tag rugby, relay races- get creative! Send everyone him with a smile on their face.

Apps for Stats:
– GAA Match Reporter
– Easy Coach
-Sports Stats Recorder
-Gaelic Manager

Know a better app? Comment or link below.

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