#8: Return to play- What do children need now?

We don’t need to delve into turbulence of the last 12 plus months. But, as we emerge from restrictions and return to play, here are a few key considerations to bear in mind.


As we accept children back into our clubs, we need a genuine welcome. A smile. A ‘Great to see you back’. A ‘Great to see your faces again’. A ‘You were great on the zoom sessions’. This easy and takes no coaching badges!


Over the past year or more nothing was certain. As children engage in outdoor sports again can we provide some routine for them? At committee level can we provide a regular time, regular faces, and a regular location for each session.


While planning our sessions incorporate as many opportunities as possible for socialization. Generate situations for children to talk, work together in small teams and communicate. Allow mix of partners so kids can get reacquainted making every subsequent session easier.


So much of children’s activity is unstructured play, so incorporate as much of this into your sessions as possible. Avoid any long ques or waiting around. Aim to have a ball each or a ball between two. (Check out our range of go games balls at www.1884.ie or email info@1884.ie for club / school)


As they return, we must be mindful that some children may have been cocooning with a small number of related adults. Now on emergence they will need plenty of adults positively reinforcing and encouraging them on their efforts (not mastery!).


Some children with social, emotional, or learning difficulties may need that extra bit of time to readjust. As coaches and mentors, we need to allow them time and space. Incremental steps may be necessary. Shorter time, have a parent present or pair them with someone they are comfortable with.

Some children may not come back. And that is fine. As coaches and clubs, we need to always keep the door open for them. They may have realized they do not like it or may have a new hobby during the lockdowns. Our job is to foster a positive atmosphere for kids of all abilities, somewhere children run in the gate!

Best of luck to everyone heading back and enjoy and stay safe!


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